MySpace Biography

DANIEL'S LIFE (in his own words - from his MySpace page circa December 2005)
Born in Little Rock, AR at the Doctors Hospital Bldg. and immediately rushed to St. Vincents due to complications. I've been in and out of hospitals ever since then. I've had 30+ surgeries, I lost count years ago. I'm a professional patient! I'm still kicking. That is a testament to my resilliance. We lived in Brinkley until I was about 9 y/o (4th grade), then moved to Harrison. I've owned 5 vehicles in my life and I have a 40% kill ratio. A '66 Dodge Coronet 440 which I still own, '95 Plymouth Neon, '92 Dodge Dakota, '01 Chevy Blazer, and now an '00 Honda CR-V. I've hit two airbags and I believe in them. I've survived turmoils I cannot begin to express! Since my last wreck, or rather because of it I have quit alot of things. Quit drinking cokes and increased my water intake. I'm feeling better every day! My family is special in this day & age, my parents are still married after 36 years. I have 2 of 4 grandparents still living, all of whom are over 92 years old. I have two wonderful sisters, both younger, both beautiful, both super-smart. We've all been blessed! Welcome to my life!