Life in Pictures
DANIEL MATTHEW SPROTT July 12, 1977 - October 19, 2006
My big brother, my Dan-Dan (Daniel) passed away October 19th at the age of 29. My family feels like the ground has been taken out from underneath us; we have floated through this past week like zombies. It hurts so bad right now - it is an ache none of us have ever experience before. However, we have amazing memories and photos of precious Daniel...he was an inspiration to anyone who took the time to know him before his death, and countless (even more I suspect) people after. The general census of people is, why did I not get to know him better? This is a lesson we need to learn from Daniel. Daniel lived a life of and out of hospitals from the day he was born. However, Daniel never, EVER complained; he always smiled. He didn't complain when doctors, promising they had the power and knowledge, broke both of his legs at the age of 5, the first of many failed attempts to straighten them. He didn't complain that he didn't have the same chance as other boys, and my parents gave him every chance within their capabilities and more. Now we are all trying to come to terms with that fact and the knowledge we have that God is now giving him all those other chances that we couldn't...His story, his attitude, and his life in general is a grand lesson to be learned by all...a lesson his little sister has been trying to learn all of my life. I encourage you to "Dare to be a Daniel" and live life to its fullest with a smile on your face.Thank you for your thoughts and prayers