Friday, October 27, 2006

Nana Sprott's Memory of Daniel

My memory of Daniel started the day of his birth, the day God chose to send him to this earth. Papa and I watched him grow and become joy, joy, joy. Our times together after he grew up a bit were spent taking Daniel to the fishing hole, pond, river, or stream. The fish always went back into the water, but Daniel had the fun of bringing them in. As he grew up and Papa and I grew older, we needed him to bring us to our doctors. It was Daniel we called upon. And we were blessed by having the pleasure of his company between Marble and Harrison. The joy Daniel brought to our lives is beyond comprehension. And now that we are 92 we have had the pleasure and honor of knowing a young man who loved life, people, and of course fishing. Now he will have grandparents on both sides of the globe (2 still on earth, and 2 in Heaven). Love, Nana
Daniel put up with his pain, we can still put up with ours...He is our inspiration...WE ARE DARING TO BE A DANIEL!!


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